Gina DeWolfe

AD: Please explain who you are and what you do. GD: I own deWolfe Leather Goods, and I teach apparel design classes at Bay State College.
AD: Where are you from originally?
GD: Boylston MA, a small town about an hour west from the city.
AD: Where did your motivation to pursue your passion originate?
GD: I've always known that I would pursue a creative path. My background is in clothing design, but after searching for the perfect backpack and coming up empty, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I made myself a backpack and it received so much positive feedback that I began taking orders and soon realized that I could create the lifestyle that I'd been looking for.
AD: What is a typical day like for you?
GD: Usually it starts with some coffee or tea and a quick walk, then I sit down and review orders and tasks for the day. We still have a little bit of summer vacation left at Bay State, so I've been able to focus solely on deWolfe. If it's nice out, I like to take my work outside and sew in a park nearby while soaking up some sun. I always make some time for some yoga, whether it's just a few minutes or a full practice. My days aren't structured on a normal schedule, which means I work a lot more but am able to express myself creatively on a daily basis, while enjoying freedom and flexibility.
AD: What was the biggest obstacle you had to overcome to get where you are today?
GD: Four years ago I was diagnosed with a severe case of Lyme disease. I was very sick for a long time and it was a life changing event that taught me many valuable lessons. During the time, hand sewing was one of the only things I could do while lying in bed, and creativity became an important form of therapy for me. The entire experience gave me the drive and ambition to create my dream job when I began to feel better.
AD: What was your proudest moment?
GD: I've worked extremely hard in so many ways, and I'm proud of my company every day.
AD: What does being successful mean to you?
GD: It means finding a way to sustain a lifestyle that you love.
AD: What advice would you give your younger self?
GD: I would tell my younger self to practice patience! And never ever compromise your vision.
AD: How do you relax?
GD: I live right near the Esplanade on the Charles River, so I try to make it over there to see the sunset when I can. It's always relaxing and breathtakingly beautiful. Otherwise I'll play some music and make a pot of tea.
AD: What’s your typical fitness routine?
GD: I live a pretty active lifestyle and I'm also a yoga instructor. I make time to get on my mat every day, but I don't have a set schedule.
AD: What are your daily beauty rituals?
GD: Before I shower I dry-brush and do an Ayurvedic practice called Abhyanga. It basically means rubbing oil (I use coconut or sesame) all over your body before hopping in the shower. It helps clear toxins, gets your blood flowing, and leaves your skin soft and glowing. Then I let my hair air dry, swipe on a little mascara, and dab patchouli or amber oil on my wrists. I keep it pretty simple, and if I'm feeling fancy, a dark red lipstick is my go-to.
AD: What's a go to places in your area?
GD: There's a little French bar/restaurant called La Voille a few blocks away from my apartment. It's a quaint and cozy neighborhood spot so I always see a familiar face when I go there. Not to mention the food is authentic and amazing, and the drinks are great too!
AD: What’s the top song on your playlist right now?
GD: My friend recently gave me a self titled album by White Eyes and I've been listening to it constantly from cover to cover.
AD: Who is the most inspiring person in your area and why?
GD: All the women around me who are able to be delicate and strong at the same time inspire me every day!
AD: How do versatile pieces make your life easier?
GD: Chic comfort is key for my day-to-day life, so having beautiful basics that are convertible gives me options and makes me feel put together when I'm on the go.
AD: Is there any last comment you would like to leave us with?
GD: Keep an eye out for a deWolfe x Paridaez collaboration in the future! ;)